PEO Use Encouraged by Venture Capital Firms

Venture Capital Firms Encourage HR Outsourcing to a Professional Employer Organization

Is your Start-up Company attractive to Venture Capital Funding?

So your fledgling company is ready to grow. You have a great product, strong sales growth and a business plan to dominate your market. The only thing you need now is funding to make it happen. So you may be considering venture capital to fund your expansion. If you have made the decision to consider funding from a VC firm, and you want their investment, then you must understand the criteria they will use to make their decision about whether to invest in your company. Volumes have been written about this subject of getting noticed by VC firms and how to get funding, but there is one aspect you may not have considered: Demonstrating your focus. Pretend you are the Venture Capital Analyst

Just for a moment, pretend you are …

The very best Strategies to Finance Your Little Business

The past couple of years have been tough for modest organizations, to become positive. With the economic downturn, sales have been slower and growth has been halted in a lot of industries. Additional, the credit crisis of 2007-2008 has created financing a organization even harder. Fortunately, the years ahead look promising for little company financing. Beneath are the top methods to secure financing for a smaller business enterprise:

Angel Investing & Venture Capital

Angel Investing is the process whereby a wealthy individual provides funding to a company in exchange for equity and sometimes debt as well. There are professional Angel Investors, or the could simply be an acquaintance of the entrepreneur. Venture Capital is largely the same process, but on a larger and more sophisticated scale. Usually, venture capital firms create “funds” from investors that they use to invest in young companies or startups. While Silicon Valley is notorious for …