Capital gains are income derived from the sale of property, most typically investment property. While capital gains are not directly an AMT preference item, they do have an impact on a taxpayer’s Alternative Minimum Tax, and, therefore, are an essential element of AMT planning. One real-life scenario with which the writer is familiar involved a retiree with what one would call a typical investment portfolio, including mutual funds, and it was solely a larger-than-usual year-end capital gain distribution from one mutual fund that threw that individual into the AMT.

For a little review, capital gain income historically has been taxed at a rate lower than the rate that applies to other, “ordinary,” income such as salaries and wages and interest income. This lower rate applies only to “long-term” capital gain (LTCG), which means the taxpayer must hold the property for over one year before selling it. Under current …

Today we are going to talk about one of the most important part of our lives, personal finance management strategies. With enormous amount of information on the web, sometimes it is hard to sort things out and to know exactly where to start and what to do.

We may look at other successful people and think they were born with the finance management skills. Nevertheless it is crucial for us to understand these wealthy people set great example for us. In order to obtain and to develop our own finance management skills, we have to act on our own.

Working as a financial coach and having experience of seeing various peoples’ financial backgrounds, it is easy to come to a certain conclusion that both positive and negative personal finance management has its roots in how the person was raised and what he or she was taught about money …